Rules & Constitution of Climate Karanga Marlborough (CKM)
1.0 Name.1.1 The name of the society is Climate Karanga Marlborough (“CKM”).
1.2 CKM is constituted by resolution dated 1st March 2016.
1.3 CKM is an incorporated society. Pecuniary gain is not a purpose of the Society.
2.0 Purpose.
2.1 CKM is established as an independent lobby group working at both national and local levels. Its purpose is to persuade elected representatives and their officials to pursue policies designed to limit the extent of rapid climate change and help New Zealanders adapt to its consequences.
CKM’s educational function is to increase NZ society’s awareness of, and its preparedness to meet the impending challenges that rapid climate change will entail.
In pursuit of its primary aims, CKM will also provide a social support network and first point of recourse for Marlburians and other New Zealanders anxious about, or looking to better understand the implications of rapid climate change.
3.0 Membership.
3.1 Eligibility. In general, all New Zealand residents are eligible to become members. There are no age limits to membership – with the caveat that those joining, who are not yet aged sixteen, have to be of a maturity that, in the judgement of the Membership Working Group, has allowed them to make the decision to join independently.
3.2 Membership. Membership is granted on giving contact details and making an email request to CKM at [email protected] The names of members are not available to public display. Members unable to attend a meeting are entitled to give their proxy vote to another member.
3.3 Associate Membership Non-NZ residents may join the Society as associate members. Associate members are not entitled to vote.
3.4 Opting out of Membership. Both categories of members are free to opt out of membership by giving email notification whenever they so wish.
3.4 Continued membership. Membership is subject to oversight by a Membership Working Group (see 4.1 below.) The Group’s decision as to whether a member may be asked to leave the society for reasons of behavior or compatibility is absolute and not subject to appeal.
3.5 Membership obligations. There are no obligations on members other than to observe the constitution and rules, exercise good manners and remain on sufficiently amiable terms with their fellow members to ensure that they are able to cooperate in efforts to achieve the purpose of the Society.
3.6 Fees. There are no membership fees. However, the society has a bank account and is able to gratefully receive donations.
4.0 Management of the Society.
4.1 General. The operational management of the Society will be through a Steering Group, which will delegate tasks to sundry voluntary Working Groups. The Steering Group will consist of a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty-five members, with a Chairperson, who has a casting vote, appointed by the members of the Group. Should the Chairperson be unavailable for more than seven days ( holidays, illness etc.,) he or she will appoint a deputy to stand-in. A quorum is achieved when a minimum of five members, including the chairperson or their appointed deputy, are present at a meeting or have cast their votes. Physical meetings of the Steering Group will be conducted using standard procedures for the formal passing of resolutions and the recording and acceptance of minutes. Other decisions of the Steering Group can be reached using Loomio voting procedures, which may be initiated at the request of any member.
4.2 Decision making. All groups will work to achieve consensus, but in cases where this cannot be achieved, a simple majority will suffice.
4.3 Information. All members will be kept informed through a Website and a Facebook page. Members of the Steering Group and the Working Groups will communicate through the Loomio software, with physical meetings being held as required.
4.4 General Meetings. All members will be invited to attend general meetings. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in every twelve month period. Extraordinary General Meeting’s (EGMs) can be held at other times on decision of the Steering Group. The AGM decides on the membership of the Steering Group but the Steering Group has power to co-opt members in the interim. The dates for general meetings will be decided by the Steering Group, which must give the Membership a minimum of ten days advance notice of time, venue and agenda. If consensus cannot be reached, decisions at general meetings will be by simple majority. E-Mail and proxy voting will be allowed at General Meetings. General Meetings will be chaired by the Chairperson of the Steering Group and conducted using standard procedures for the formal passing of resolutions and the recording and acceptance of minutes.
5.0 Contact details.
5.1 CKM may be contacted as per details posted on the CKM website. “Email address and social media details of CKM and the private telephone numbers of at least two members volunteering to act as a first point of contact, will be displayed.
6.0 Finances.
6.1 Bank Account. The Society has a bank account.
6.2 Fund raising. The Society will raise funds as it sees fit through members’ Koha and through whatever ad hoc fund-raising activities might be agreed upon by the Steering Group. It is the Chairperson’s responsibility to ensure that financial matters are properly regulated and in a safe manner proportionate to their volume. At a time deemed appropriate, the Steering Group may decide to remove this responsibility from the Chairperson and hand it to a non-rotating Treasurer.
6.3 Expenses. Officers and other Members of the society shall receive no remuneration for their time spent on its affairs, but may, at the discretion of the Steering Group have their expenses reimbursed.
7.0 Disputes.
7.1 Settlement. In the event that a serious dispute arises between the Society and any of its members the first recourse should be to the Steering Group. Should they be unable to decide between them how the issue should be resolved, the matter should be taken to an independent arbitrator acceptable to both parties.
8.0 Changes to the Constitution.
8.1 Amendments. These rules may be changed with a two thirds vote in favour at a properly convened General Meeting.
9.0 Disbandment.
9.1 Assets. Any assets the Society has at the time the Society is disbanded due to some decision provoking event (such as the world becoming uninhabitable, or it no longer being in danger of so doing) will be donated to another New Zealand based NGO sharing compatible objectives.
1.2 CKM is constituted by resolution dated 1st March 2016.
1.3 CKM is an incorporated society. Pecuniary gain is not a purpose of the Society.
2.0 Purpose.
2.1 CKM is established as an independent lobby group working at both national and local levels. Its purpose is to persuade elected representatives and their officials to pursue policies designed to limit the extent of rapid climate change and help New Zealanders adapt to its consequences.
CKM’s educational function is to increase NZ society’s awareness of, and its preparedness to meet the impending challenges that rapid climate change will entail.
In pursuit of its primary aims, CKM will also provide a social support network and first point of recourse for Marlburians and other New Zealanders anxious about, or looking to better understand the implications of rapid climate change.
3.0 Membership.
3.1 Eligibility. In general, all New Zealand residents are eligible to become members. There are no age limits to membership – with the caveat that those joining, who are not yet aged sixteen, have to be of a maturity that, in the judgement of the Membership Working Group, has allowed them to make the decision to join independently.
3.2 Membership. Membership is granted on giving contact details and making an email request to CKM at [email protected] The names of members are not available to public display. Members unable to attend a meeting are entitled to give their proxy vote to another member.
3.3 Associate Membership Non-NZ residents may join the Society as associate members. Associate members are not entitled to vote.
3.4 Opting out of Membership. Both categories of members are free to opt out of membership by giving email notification whenever they so wish.
3.4 Continued membership. Membership is subject to oversight by a Membership Working Group (see 4.1 below.) The Group’s decision as to whether a member may be asked to leave the society for reasons of behavior or compatibility is absolute and not subject to appeal.
3.5 Membership obligations. There are no obligations on members other than to observe the constitution and rules, exercise good manners and remain on sufficiently amiable terms with their fellow members to ensure that they are able to cooperate in efforts to achieve the purpose of the Society.
3.6 Fees. There are no membership fees. However, the society has a bank account and is able to gratefully receive donations.
4.0 Management of the Society.
4.1 General. The operational management of the Society will be through a Steering Group, which will delegate tasks to sundry voluntary Working Groups. The Steering Group will consist of a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty-five members, with a Chairperson, who has a casting vote, appointed by the members of the Group. Should the Chairperson be unavailable for more than seven days ( holidays, illness etc.,) he or she will appoint a deputy to stand-in. A quorum is achieved when a minimum of five members, including the chairperson or their appointed deputy, are present at a meeting or have cast their votes. Physical meetings of the Steering Group will be conducted using standard procedures for the formal passing of resolutions and the recording and acceptance of minutes. Other decisions of the Steering Group can be reached using Loomio voting procedures, which may be initiated at the request of any member.
4.2 Decision making. All groups will work to achieve consensus, but in cases where this cannot be achieved, a simple majority will suffice.
4.3 Information. All members will be kept informed through a Website and a Facebook page. Members of the Steering Group and the Working Groups will communicate through the Loomio software, with physical meetings being held as required.
4.4 General Meetings. All members will be invited to attend general meetings. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in every twelve month period. Extraordinary General Meeting’s (EGMs) can be held at other times on decision of the Steering Group. The AGM decides on the membership of the Steering Group but the Steering Group has power to co-opt members in the interim. The dates for general meetings will be decided by the Steering Group, which must give the Membership a minimum of ten days advance notice of time, venue and agenda. If consensus cannot be reached, decisions at general meetings will be by simple majority. E-Mail and proxy voting will be allowed at General Meetings. General Meetings will be chaired by the Chairperson of the Steering Group and conducted using standard procedures for the formal passing of resolutions and the recording and acceptance of minutes.
5.0 Contact details.
5.1 CKM may be contacted as per details posted on the CKM website. “Email address and social media details of CKM and the private telephone numbers of at least two members volunteering to act as a first point of contact, will be displayed.
6.0 Finances.
6.1 Bank Account. The Society has a bank account.
6.2 Fund raising. The Society will raise funds as it sees fit through members’ Koha and through whatever ad hoc fund-raising activities might be agreed upon by the Steering Group. It is the Chairperson’s responsibility to ensure that financial matters are properly regulated and in a safe manner proportionate to their volume. At a time deemed appropriate, the Steering Group may decide to remove this responsibility from the Chairperson and hand it to a non-rotating Treasurer.
6.3 Expenses. Officers and other Members of the society shall receive no remuneration for their time spent on its affairs, but may, at the discretion of the Steering Group have their expenses reimbursed.
7.0 Disputes.
7.1 Settlement. In the event that a serious dispute arises between the Society and any of its members the first recourse should be to the Steering Group. Should they be unable to decide between them how the issue should be resolved, the matter should be taken to an independent arbitrator acceptable to both parties.
8.0 Changes to the Constitution.
8.1 Amendments. These rules may be changed with a two thirds vote in favour at a properly convened General Meeting.
9.0 Disbandment.
9.1 Assets. Any assets the Society has at the time the Society is disbanded due to some decision provoking event (such as the world becoming uninhabitable, or it no longer being in danger of so doing) will be donated to another New Zealand based NGO sharing compatible objectives.